torsdag 12 april 2018 and play a game

In my last blogpost we made a game, it's time to see if it works. And above all, how it works. First a quick rehearsal, here's your workbench:

The first thing we have to do (alternatively check) is to start our game. We do this by pressing the play button and when the game is running, it switches to a stop button.

Then we have to decide how our students can join the game, click on "add participants of the game", write down and share the pin code. When students join your game, we will see who they are below. Should they fall out of the game and need to log in again, and if they forget to write their password down, we can give them their team pin code again.

Our participants (students) log in to the platform in much the same way as us instructors, but instead they choose the player.

Now the first problem usually appears. 
If you use a "live map" it's quite nice to see yourself on the map so you know where you are in relation to map and tasks. Your phone must allow your location information to be displayed. It's usually under settings and privacy, also you must allow your browser to use your location. 

When you return to safari or chrome, select "allow" (you might have to refresh the game/page).

Because the map was so small this time, I wanted the controls to be visible when you are 10 meters to it. Again, it turned out that it is better with 20 meters, otherwise you must more or less be in the exact right place (like a pond or bushes).

Then the daughter left, first a little hesitant, later on with firmer steps and after the second task running between the controls. All this, how her and her (class) mates moved, I could keep track of my own browser as every player on my map is a yellow little dot.

The players themselves look like red dots on their screen, a task that is done are marked as green (and they can go back and open them afterwards) while the next tasks is still gray and will turn into pink when you are at the right distance.

It quickly became a contest, unable to show their answers to anyone else. Not because you were afraid that you answered wrong, but because you were sure that you answered correctly and wanted to win.

If questions arise during the game, you can contact the game instructor privately or the whole group in two different text chats (see the first picture on the toolbar you have). The reverse applies to the instructor who can talk to all alternatively talking to individual teams.

In the center of the right-hand menu there is the 'exercises' button, by pressing that you comes to everyone's answer. By selecting task for task and expanding it you will see the individual answers and you can also rate (or re-rate) them. 

Students receive almost instant feedback (as quickly as the browser is updated) and it can be both pictures as text. In addition, there is a score board that is fun to keep track of ...!

Learning bonus
The first thing is that I have taken control of the distraction tool - the student's ICT tools (cellphone, tablet). In addition to what was my purpose, there is more learning, or learning opportunities going on. 

The first chance is given when students are to log in to the game, and why they should have their own names and not something provocative. Netiquette, code of conduct, student democracy, action and consequence. Seppo encourages creativity, collaboration and problem solving. In addition, I can get my students to understand information and source criticism.

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